On May 29, 2020 several protests broke out throughout New York City, in regards to the killing of George Floyd by Minneapolis Police. The officer who killed Mr. Floyd was charged with third degree murder, as protests continue to erupt throughout the nation. NYPD officers stand in front of an outraged crowd outside of The Criminal Court Building in Manhattan.
A protestor yells at a NYPD officer telling him her experience as a WOC.
Flowers left by protestors in the foreground of a group of NYPD officers.
Protestors demanding change to the systemic killing of Black individuals near Foley Square in Manhattan.
Flowers left in memory for George Floyd on a defaced building with the letters FTP for (Fuck the Police).
Passerby’s stand atop defaced stairs as protestors continue to walk through White and Centre Street in Manhattan.
Michelle (last name held to protect her privacy) cries as her friend is detained and taken by NYPD officers. Yelling “Do not kill my friend!” moments prior.
A protestor holds out the names of individuals he is rallying for who were also killed at the hands of police.
Chaos erupts briefly as police break up a barricade of people, pepper spraying and pushing people onto sidewalks. (I was pushed by a NYPD officer and caught pepper spray as the man next to me was sprayed in the face). They soon made multiple arrests.
A protestor holds her first high as the protest continues.
May 31 marked the 4th day of protest in NYC as tensions remain high over the killing of George Floyd by police and police brutality towards the Black Community. Many protests occurred throughout NYC, with protests at Bryant Park and Brooklyn turning violent. SoHo was also looted late in the evening. emeil (last name withheld to respect his request), stands in front of riot police at Barclays Center in Downtown Brooklyn with an American flag that reads with George Floyd’s last words, “I CAN’T BREATHE.” . Jemeil has suffered police brutality both and out of jail, and although his friends tell him he may be killed at protests he keeps going to attempt to create a better world for his daughter.
Protestors in Times Square take a knee in respect and solidarity with the Black Community.
Joshua (last name withheld to respect his request) holds his 8 month old daughter Luna as they stop by in support and solidarity of the protest as the march down Broadway. Joshua wanted to show his daughter what they are fighting for and hopes for a change so she can grow up in a safer world.
A mother and her children walk down with protestors in Manhattan as they speak to a police officer and thank him for his service to the community.
Cars are stopped at the base of the Brooklyn Bridge on the Manhattan side as protestors make their way across.
Protestors walk across the Brooklyn Bridge on the evening of May 31st.
NYPD riot police gather at Barclays Center where the protest tension was high and later turned aggressive between cops and protestors.
NYPD charge at the crowd of protestors pushing them back as they rush toward a protestor and begin hitting him with batons, causing chaos to erupt with protestors.
NYPD charged at a couple and pushes them out of the way as the couple attempt to peacefully move off the street.
An anonymous mask sits on the sidewalk as police decide what they will do next.
The following images chronicle the candlelight vigil held June 1st, at Astoria Park in remembrance and to honor the life of George Floyd, who was killed by Minneapolis police on May 25. People who attended lit candles, left flowers and words on the Astoria Park War Memorial. Many protests continue throughout the country and NYC has been given a curfew along with other cities across the nation. President Trump is considering using military action against protestors and multiple fires were set near the White House yesterday evening. Protests and candlelight vigils continue to be announced throughout NYC as unrest continues.